Prepares for the future through competence development

White, Black, Font, Line

Oslo, 9. juni 2022. Duftende av blomstrende vindvalmue og nyklippet, vått gress, ligger Hydroparken foran oss som en nyslått sommereng. Sola bryter gjennom i det vi entrer den ærverdige funkismurbygningen som huser NHHs Campus Oslo. Gjennom skyvedører av glass kan vi observere åtte velkledde og bebrillede voksne, tilsynelatende ivrig engasjert i faglig diskusjon. Menneskene utgjør en sammensatt gruppe av ledere og fagspesialister fra privat og offentlig sektor, som denne uken treffes til sin avsluttende samling i (studienavn). Lyset flommer fra høye vinduer mens diskusjonen fortsetter inne i undervisningslokalet. Vi lar studentene fortsette uforstyrret, mens vi beveger oss videre ut i byen.

Er du en som vil noe mer? Som tror på livslang læring og tenker framover. Som har målsetninger for deg selv og bedriften du jobber i – kanskje også for samfunnet og verden? For deg som leter etter tid eller anledning til å bygge på kompetansen og gå aktivt inn i nye karrieresteg, kan det hende  videreutdanning er nøkkelen som setter fart ambisjonen.

Updated knowledge is crucial to meet the complex challenges in a globalized seafood industry.

By: Ove Sjøstrøm

That's why Stine Sjursen at Lerøy Seafood Group has embarked on a two-year educational journey to pursue an Executive MBA with a specialization in Seafood Management.

«My role is to ensure that all parts of Lerøy's fully integrated value chain have the right raw materials at the right time. This requires a good understanding of market dynamics, risk management, and the ability to build strong relationships,» says Stine Sjursen, Operations Manager on the Internal Sourcing team at Lerøy.

With 18 years of sales experience from Lerøy Seafood, nine of which are on the Internal Sourcing team, Sjursen has gained broad insight into the seafood industry's value chain. She sees that increasing globalization, sustainability requirements, and technological development place new demands on competence and leadership.

«An Executive MBA with a specialization in Seafood Management provides me with the interdisciplinary competence needed to drive effective and sustainable sourcing in a global industry.»

The seafood industry has challenges that must be solved if it is to grow. Lerøy Seafood Group is investing heavily in knowledge and innovationg. Foto: Lerøy

Two-year part-time study program

NHH Executive offers tailored educational programs for executives and professionals in a wide range of industries and sectors. The flagship program is the Executive MBA, which offers three specializations: Financial Management and Leadership, Strategic Management, and Seafood Management.

The Executive MBA program with a specialization in Seafood Management has been developed in close collaboration with the industry to ensure the highest possible relevance. The program aims to equip participants to lead in a rapidly changing industry through academic breadth, in-depth knowledge, and practical application.

«The program covers a wide range of subjects, including economics, strategy, management, innovation, finance, and accounting. At the same time, sustainability, technology, and a global perspective run as a common thread throughout the program. This interdisciplinarity becomes incredibly valuable and relevant in my job,» says Sjursen.

«Is it difficult to combine the program with a full-time job?»

«It's about planning well in collaboration with colleagues and the employer and being well prepared for the gatherings. Then this is fully feasible.»

Facial expression, Hair, Smile, Happiness

Facts: EMBA in Seafood Management

  • The study will provide students with:
  • A broad, general curriculum. Technology, sustainability, social impact and a global perspective are main themes throughout the specialisation.
  • Breadth and depth through coursework that is topical, relevant, and tailored to address the critical issues of the seafood industry today and in the future.
  • Research-based knowledge within strategy, business economics and leadership.
  • The ability to apply business theories and tools to address practical challenges and to mobilize resources for a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • The methodological capacity to conduct a independent research project. 
  • The possibility to build a strong network for learning and development in and outside the classroom.
  • The possibility to develop as a manager and a leader through personal and professional development workshop

Lerøy invests heavily in competence development

Sjursen praises Lerøy for its long-term commitment to competence development and leadership training. With roots dating back to the 19th century, the company has grown into a global seafood company with around 6,000 employees and activities throughout the value chain.

«Lerøy understands that our most important resource is the people in the group. By investing in our employees' professional and personal development, we are building an organization that is equipped for future challenges. An Executive MBA is a concrete example of how Lerøy prioritizes professional development,» she says. changes.

NHH Professor Steffen Juranek, the program director for the Seafood Management specialization, believes Lerøy's approach provides a competitive advantage and is necessary in an industry characterized by rapid changes.

The seafood industry is becoming increasingly knowledge-intensive and technology-driven. Companies like Lerøy, which actively build competence among their managers and employees, will have a significant competitive advantage in the coming years

Steffen Juranek, NHH professor and program director

Facial expression, Smile, Happiness

From sea to plate

As Operations Manager on the Internal Sourcing team, Sjursen ensures a seamless and efficient flow of the company's products throughout Lerøy's fully integrated value chain. The business is operated through several subsidiaries in Norway and internationally.

«It is actually our value chain that we 'sell' to customers in Europe and the rest of the world. This usually happens through agreements with large retail customers across national borders,» Sjursen explains.

«Our downstream units produce the finished products and own the agreements with the customers. This happens with a strong group behind us, ensuring that the customers' requirements for delivery reliability, raw material quality, and environmental and sustainability standards are met.»

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New network

Sjursen highlights a new network from different parts of the seafood industry as a significant added value of the program.

«Through the program, I have already gained a network of skilled professionals with whom I can share experiences and ideas. These are relationships that I believe will last long after the program is finished.

Sjursen believes an Executive MBA with a specialization in Seafood Management is a forward-looking investment for anyone who wants a leading role in tomorrow's seafood industry.

«The industry needs decisive leaders and professionals who can navigate a complex and international market. This education gives you the competence, tools, and network you need to drive change and create sustainable growth. If you want to be part of shaping the future of Norwegian seafood, this is a golden opportunity.»


We offer executive education. Our programmes aim to empower you, challenge your assumptions, introduce you to a new way of thinking and disrupt your usual way of doing business.


Mer kunnskap, større trygghet, bedre lederskap.
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Vi tilbyr enkeltemner innen bærekraft, innovasjon og teknologi, lederskap, samt oversettelse og terminologi.
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Fordyp deg i finans og bli autorisert finansanalytiker.
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NHH Executive hjelper deg med å utvikle deg som styrerepresentant.
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Executive kurs på masternivå.
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NHH Executive skreddersyr kurs for din virksomhets behov.
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Våre studier er designet for deg med arbeidserfaring som trenger fleksibilitet for å kunne kombinere jobb og studier.
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